Design and Innovation Situation in Latvia
Material Sciences. Textile and Clothing Technology 2016
Līva Salaka, Andra Ulme

This article is topical because design and innovation are precisely the areas that can contribute to more rapid development of the Latvian economic growth. Until now there has not been much research on the situation and problems of the design and innovation situation in Latvia. The article is based on the “Action plan for the implementation of the theme promoted innovation” and the “Latvia’s design strategy 2014–2020” materials prepared as design and innovation of the situation with a realistic action plans and targets. The aim of the study is to examine design and innovation in the real life and its tasks to improve the situation. To write an article, data summary, information analysis and research methods were used. The research reflects humanitarian sector, art, science, design and innovation of situation in Latvia. The practical importance is that it can be useful as a base for a lecture topic or as a material for negotiations with businessmen, students and university lecturers. The situation in Latvia is not so bad as it may seem. Although very slowly, the situation has a stable growth. Latvia in Innovation Union Scoreboard, while still low, has finally taken the place of innovation in the moderate innovator zone. In order to improve the situation there is a need to promote public understanding of design industry. Also all creative industry representatives need to rethink how they can improve and help to develop the national growth in design and innovation. In the near future, there has to be a report on the development of innovative design tasks until 2016 done. To avoid that all of targets that has been set up for 2020 suddenly have to be achieved within one year.

design, innovation, design area, development

Salaka, L., Ulme, A. Design and Innovation Situation in Latvia. Material Sciences. Textile and Clothing Technology, 2016, Vol.11, pp.42-48. ISSN 1691-3132. e-ISSN 2255-8888. Available from: doi:10.7250/mstct.2016.006

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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