The Socio-Economic Aspect of the Lifelong Learning based on Competencies
Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība: Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. 2.daļa 2017
Andra Zenčaka, Maija Šenfelde, Daina Silakalne-Arāja

Generation of the 21st century threatened by many global problems: ecological, demographic, resource crisis, and also social conflicts. Therefore it becomes urgent the need for learning, regardless of age. As stated in the Latvian Sustainable Development Strategy, highly educated workforce training, the state human capital investments, public motivations in learning should be considered as a decisive aspect of the Latvian long-term economic improvement of the 21st century in order to ensure the competitiveness of the Latvian economy on a global scale. The aim of this article is to analyse the competence-based lifelong learning development’s possibilities in human capital and society in general, affecting green, competitive economy, where the country's internal resources are effectively used without threatening a capability of future generations to satisfy their requirements. The authors of a research have used the scientific analysis of literature, life-long learning policy issues in the international and national documents and expert evaluations, and also methods of processing of statistical data. The Author’s point of view: - Competence-based lifelong learning is necessary to develop the knowledge and the competent action-oriented society and the economy; - Lifelong learning takes the central place in the Sustainable Development Strategy of Latvia until 2030, and is as the guide and the promoter of a development process; - Lifelong learning combines informal learning with formal education that is provided throughout the all life. Education is the most important for the public existence and development today. It is essential for individuals, business and community development also. Development of education system in the field of a national long-term goal is a transition to skills and knowledge-based society. Education is one of the key strategy of ”Europe 2020” objective achievement, a strategic role of lifelong learning and sustainable development, ensuring the needs of today's generation, preserving resources for future generations. The rapid changes in the global world in technology development and modernization create the need to continuously improve and develop the knowledge and skills. Lifelong learning is learning throughout life, based on changing needs to acquire knowledge, skills and experience to enhance or change their qualifications according to the labour market requirements, their interests and needs. It provides competences which are an aggregate of person’s skills and qualities. It involves creativity and innovation capability, contacts, an organizer and project management abilities, susceptibility and ability to take risks in order to implement their ideas into action. The most fundamental problem in the article is the long-term economic growth in Latvia based on the skills and knowledge. It was emphasized in "EU 2020 strategy" also. Individuals and corporate staff for its environmentally conscientious, thoughtful behaviour can contribute to state-owned enterprises advanced development and long-term economic growth in the country. It is necessary to improve knowledge, skills and competences by using the lifelong learning, both formal and non-formal education system. Lifelong learning contributes to the economy and society in general in the country, and also helps to solve successfully employment issues. According to the author’s conclusions, lifelong learning needs an improvement for achievement the new long-term objectives of the education system. Recommendations for the improvement of the lifelong learning for low-skilled workers and for the development of competencies of small and medium enterprises employees will be provided in the article.

competences, ecological awareness level, education system, human capital, knowledge, lifelong learning policy, long-term growth strategy, skills, socio-economic aspect, sustainable development, sustainable economy

Zenčaka, A., Šenfelde, M., Silakalne-Arāja, D. The Socio-Economic Aspect of the Lifelong Learning based on Competencies. In: Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība: Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. 2.daļa, Latvia, Rēzekne, 26-27 May, 2017. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, 2017, pp.586-594. ISSN 1691-5887. e-ISSN 2256-0629. Available from: doi:10.17770/sie2017vol2.2342

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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