The main negative factors of urbanization are both, environmental problems (pollution of the urban environment, increase of building density, decrease of the green area, etc.), and the destructive influence of the big city on human health (emotional discomfort and stress among inhabitants, mental overloads leading people to alienation from the urban environment, etc.). In the article a new hybrid technological model of modular autonomous house “urbanrelax” will be proposed, designed to reduce the negative effects of urbanization on the human psyche, while not causing additional harm to the ecology of the urban environment on the basis of synergy of technologies, ecology, music and psychology. Power supply system of the model for mobile modular non-commercial building up to 20 m2 with elements of a smart system, using solar and wind power with no connections to external engineering will be suggested. Design of power technological system (including heating, ventilation, lighting, light and music background, etc.) will be taking into account. As an outcome, a model of complex system is planned based on synergy of various science sectors as energy, medicine, music and smart grid technologies.