Female Staff at the Riga Polytechnic Institute in the Beginning of the 20th Century
Inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsture 2017
Alīda Zigmunde

Riga Polytechnic School, founded in 1862, did not enrol female students. There were only men in the academic staff. In 1896, Riga Polytechnic School was reorganized into Riga Polytechnic Institute. Two years later, Helēna Valdmane was the first woman to have a job with the Institute in the office of the Chancellor. In the beginning of the 20th century, more women joined the personnel. In 1913, Marija Paukule started to work in the Library of Riga Polytechnic Institute. During World War I, Riga Polytechnic Institute was evacuated to Moscow where it renewed the activities in 1915. This was the year when Olga Lebedeva started to work as an assistant. Female students were enrolled from 1st September 1917, but the Polytechnic Institute was closed down in August 1919, therefore none of the female students could finish their studies. Some of them obtained their diploma at other universities, one of them was the University of Latvia in Riga.

Female staff, students, docents, Rigas Polytechnic Institute

Zigmunde, A. Female Staff at the Riga Polytechnic Institute in the Beginning of the 20th Century. Inženierzinātņu un augstskolu vēsture, 2017, Vol. 1, pp. 108-117. ISSN 2592-8155. e-ISSN 2592-8163. Available from: doi:10.7250/IAV.2017.008

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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