Markov Models of Fail-safe Devices of Automation and Telecontrol Systems of Railroad Transport
TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego 2016
Jūlija Freimane, Mareks Mezītis, Baglan Togizbaeva

The article introduces the concept of fail-safety of devices of automation and telecontrol of railroad transport. It proposes a fail-safety indicator for a complex evaluation of device safety and reliability. A model scheme of a fail-safe device of railroad automation and telecontrol is developed. Markov models of devices are developed to evaluate the level of fail-safety of these devices.

fail-safety, reliability, Markov models.

Freimane, J., Mezītis, M., Togizbaeva, B. Markov Models of Fail-safe Devices of Automation and Telecontrol Systems of Railroad Transport. In: TTS Technika Transportu Szynowego, Poland, Zakopane, 5-8 December, 2016. Radom: 2016, pp.92-95. ISSN 1232-3829.

Publication language
English (en)
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