Combined Deforming of Sheet Materials with the Use of the Pulsed Magnetic Field
Irina Belyaeva

Viktors Mironovs, Vladimirs Glušenkovs

Matthijas Kolbe, Irīna Boiko, Gennadijs Zdor

Method and device for implementing of combined folding combining static and dynamic (pulse-magnetic) loadings;  The procedure of calculation of the combined technology on the basis of the finite-element method taking into account static and dynamic types of loading without stopping the process;  Results of computer simulation of the folding process taking account of properties of the material and its interaction with the tool and allowing to determine completely the sizes and stressed-deformed state of the blank material at any time of deforming;  Mechanism of deformation depending on the form and intensity of load, geometrical sizes, properties of the material of the blanks being processed;

Sheet materials, Pulsed magnetic field, Combines deforming

Belyaeva, Irina. Combined Deforming of Sheet Materials with the Use of the Pulsed Magnetic Field. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2015. 162 p.

Publication language
English (en)
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