The book “Applied Informatics” provides a technical background for students of applied physic and electrical engineering specialties. The book is addressed for all level of students and developers of electromechanical devices, automotive control schemes, motion control solutions, as well as a high level of automated infrastructure management technologies. The book is helpful to the development of modern intelligent systems and sensors network, using high-performance computing technology for signal processing, as well for the development of data collection devices, for development of models, methods and metrics that enable quantitative evaluation of electric power and telecommunications infrastructure critical impact and interdependences. Modern industrial production and manufacturing systems have evolved in basically four generations. The first generation that enabled the industrial revolution dates back to around 1850 or so. The use of steam-powered machines enabled mass production of gods such as clothes, cars and many other products in the beginning of the 20th century (Delsing J., 2017). In the second generation, the use of efficient pneumatic systems became a widely adopted solution for mass-production. The combined use of pneumatic valves and sensors enabled automatic production systems to be used in industrial applications. The third generation systems evolved from pneumatic to electrical motors. The use of electricity as the energy source enabled even newer types of automatic control systems to be developed. Sensors and actuators were now connected to new types of monitoring and control systems like Distributed Control Systems, DCS and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, SCADA using technologies such as field buses. The hierarchical approach of device-level, DCS, and SCADA (known as ISA-95), soon became the de-facto architectural style for how industrial productions systems were designed and deployed. DCS and SCADA systems soon became networked, which enabled tight integration between control systems and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) and Manufacturing execution system (MES). This is today the most widely used approach by the industry and has been so for at least the last 20-30 years. In the 90’ths the current state of the art architecture ISA-95 was established. Seemingly, the size of ISA-95 based automation systems was limited in respect of I/O points. This becomes a technology bottleneck in the view of the upcoming smart cities and smart energy grids. The book is useful for students, who study industrial production lines and control tools developed in all generations. The book is also exploring the problems associated with modelling of an ongoing urban environment process in order to ensure a high level of automated infrastructure management, intelligent systems and sensors network technology. The Chapter 1 of this book is devoted to communication networks with the clear focus on computer networks architecture, design, network standards and specific network elements. The goal of this chapter is to present the basics concepts of telecommunication systems, including OSI, network components, quality issues of network design, model with focus on digital and wireless, and the most important features of the propagation of telecommunication signals, as well as computer networks architecture and design, using standard and specific adaptive telecommunication network elements, and its application domains and deployments. The Chapter 2 of this book is devoted to control theory, including evaluation of regulated system stability, qualitative parameters of system stability. The chapter addresses an issues of the automation control, in particular process of a technical object control without a human involvement. Additionally, the object should be able to perceive the control signals containing the information about the further object condition. In most of the cases these signals are generated on the basis of the information about the current condition of the object. Therefore, the flows of information and their relations are the basis of the automatic control process. The Chapter 3 of this book is devoted to microcontrollers, in particular it explains, how design embedded systems with microcontrollers, the architectures of MCUs, main parameters, most popular MCUs presented on market, and peripheral devices of MCUs. The chapter describes specific of control systems, which contain actuators, sensors and microcontrollers, included in the devices. Case studies describe design and application of such embedded control systems. The Chapter 4 of this book is devoted to general aspects of electrical engineering and automation, starting with principles, applications, and detailed explanation of main features of the physical background and elements of automation, like resonance phenomenon in AC electrical circuits, main principles of single-phase transformer, and basic realisation of electrical motor. The chapter describes measurements of active power and energy in AC circuits, measurements of power in three-phase electrical circuits, three-phase electrical motors, the means of automation in electrical systems as well as sensors and microprocessor applied in automation.