Physics is often considered to be one of the oldest academic disciplines since physics helps people to understand how our universe behaves. Physics is absolutely a very broad academic discipline including astronomy, mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, acoustics, magnetism, electricity, electromagnetism, energy, engineering physics, … A decent use of mathematics is very important but when studying physical systems, it is also very important to have decent observations and measurements of the phenomena one needs to study. The broad realm of physics includes fundamental physical research which supports a large number of applications. By applying physical insights, it is possible to design and develop a large number of new solutions. The present course on “applied physics” reveals a broad range of applications. First, a physical foundation on electricity and magnetism has been included to support the entire course. Since performing accurate measurements and having a decent insight in measurement errors is mandatory when studying physical phenomena, an extended chapter deals with measurement principles and measurement errors. Especially the measurement of electric quantities has been studied. In a third chapter, electrical (power) systems have been discussed including electrical power measurements. Decent observations and measurements are needed when studying physics and engineering topics. Due to this reason, an entire chapter has been devoted to the working principles and the use of spectroscopic methods, microscopy, and magnetometry. When considering electrical engineering and more precisely the subdiscipline EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility), a large number of measurements are needed to verify whether electronic devices satisfy the EMC normalizations. These normalizations aim to ensure reliable operations of electronic devices. The last chapter deals with system theory and its applicability to design electronic filters. Electronic filters have a broad range of applications including EMC filters intended to reduce EMC related problems.