End-User Satisfaction with Army Uniforms - Case Study
9th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference "Magic World of Textiles": Book of Proceedings 2018
Inga Dāboliņa, Eva Lapkovska, Gunta Zommere, Ausma Viļumsone

The aim of the research is to search the physical comfort of end-users and the ability to perform in army uniform. In order to ensure the uniformity of the uniforms, to clarify the shortcomings of the currently worn uniforms and to identify possible improvements, an end-user survey was carried out. To understand soldiers’ evaluation of their workwear, the questionnaire included questions about size eligibility, model specifics, functionality and desired improvements. Research includes insight about anthropometric data of the soldiers for the review of the manufacturers sizing system and determination of the end-user’s ability to select the appropriate uniform size. Fit tests have been performed at the end of the study for evaluation of the uniform functionality, comfort and soldier’s ability to perform movements characteristic to the daily tasks. The information gathered in the surveys, anthropometric research and fit tests are presented in this case study and sets up the methodology of the working wear enhancement process.

Anthropometrics, fit, functionality, physical comfort, satisfaction

Dāboliņa, I., Lapkovska, E., Zommere, G., Viļumsone, A. End-User Satisfaction with Army Uniforms - Case Study. In: 9th International Textile, Clothing & Design Conference "Magic World of Textiles": Book of Proceedings, Croatia, Dubrovink, 7-10 October, 2018. Dubrovinik: 2018, pp.173-178. ISSN 1847-7275.

Publication language
English (en)
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