An Overview of Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
Anastasija Trizna, Andris Ozols

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is the objects of close attention and rapid progress due to the fact that once first quantum computers are available – classical cryptography systems will become partially or completely insecure. The potential threat to today’s information security cannot be neglected, and efficient quantum computing algorithms already exist. Quantum cryptography brings a completely new level of security and is based on quantum physics principles, comparing with the classical systems that rely on hard mathematical problems. The aim of the article is to overview QKD and the most conspicuous and prominent QKD protocols, their workflow and security basement. The article covers 17 QKD protocols and each introduces novel ideas for further QKD system improvement.

CV-QKD, DI-QKD, DV-QKD, MDI-QKD, public cryptography QKD, QKD, quantum cryptography

Trizna, A., Ozols, A. An Overview of Quantum Key Distribution Protocols. Information Technology and Management Science, 2018, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 37-44. ISSN 2255-9086. e-ISSN 2255-9094. Available from: doi:10.7250/itms-2018-0005

Publication language
English (en)
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