Recently, more and more attention has been attracted to research in the field of functional nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, which work with objects whose sizes are at least in one dimension close to nanometers. On the recommendation of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) for "nano criterium," we take the value of 100 nm. With this criterion, the properties of substances in the nanostructured state are often very different from those of bulk phases. That is why sometimes we speak about a nanostructured state as a specific state of matter. The use of nanostructured materials is gaining ambitious prospects not only because of the unique possibility of devices miniaturization previously unseen but also because of their fundamental difference from conventional materials and the acquisition of new properties. The latter includes the occurrence of quantum and tunnel effects, and also the very high role of surface area, excess surface energy, and the reactivity of nanoparticles. The most important parameters of nanosystems are becoming size (diameter), dimensionality (0D, 1D, 2D), ordering and functionality. Taking into account all these characteristics results in a new generation of materials that have the highest innovative potential and determine all further progress in nanotechnology The book consists of 20 sections (chapters) devoted to the most actual problems of nanotechnology and nanostructured materials. It can be used to develop lecture courses for master-level students with a 2-year cycle of study by the specialties "1-31 81 03 Functional nanomaterials" and "1-31 81 02 Photonics". The content of the book will contribute to the competitiveness of higher education in the Republic of Belarus in the field of applied physics, photonics and functional nanomaterials in the world educational space, as well as further development of international cooperation of Belarusian universities with educational and scientific institutions of foreign countries. Participation of the four leading Belarusian universities in this project will contribute to achieving one of the goals for the universities of the Republic of Belarus - ensuring a high level of preparation and stable quality of the educational process in the field of nanotechnology to meet the requirements of external and internal consumers of the specialists.