Main causes of slope failures in soils are: geological activities (earthquakes), hydrological influence (rise of the groundwater table), topographical features, weathering processes (a rainy season, snowmelt), human activities (vibrations from explosions, machinery, road and air traffic, loading the slope crest, etc.) and vegetation and climatic conditions. As a result, the shear strength of the soil decreases and factor of safety of the slope reduces to a low value that may trigger failures. The slope of the Aleksotas Hill was sliding in 2015. To protect the slope from future landslides, the reconstruction work began in 2018. Geotechnical modelling software SLOPE/W was used for determination of the factor of safety. Model with three modifications (variants) was created by SLOPE/W software for the slope behaviour modelling. The Aleksotas Hill slope stability calculations of original (natural) slope and excavated slope with constructing subsurface drainage was performed in order to evaluate the solutions proposed in the reconstruction project.