Comparison of the Absorption of Public Value Capture in Germany and the Baltic States
ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 2018
Andreas Hendricks, Armands Auziņš, Marija Burinskienė, Evelin Jürgenson

© 2018 Wissner Verlag. All rights reserved. This paper compares the methodology and the extent of public value capture in Germany and the Baltic States. Therefore is firstly established a division in five categories to facilitate the discussion who should capture which part of the unearned incrément. Afterwards basic information is given about the population structure and the administrative structure as well as the planning system of the particular countries. The following core of the article is dedicated to public value capture. The result of this analysis is a presentation of similarities and differences that may be a starting point for an optimization of existing instruments.

Abschöpfung entwicklungsbedingter Wertsteigerungen, Planungsgewinne, Refinanzierung der Infrastruktur, städtebauliche Verträge, Grundsteuer

Hendricks, A., Auziņš, A., Burinskienė, M., Jürgenson, E. Comparison of the Absorption of Public Value Capture in Germany and the Baltic States. ZFV - Zeitschrift fur Geodasie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement, 2018, Vol.143, No.4, pp.242-249. ISSN 1618-8950. Available from: doi:10.12902/zfv-0211-2018

Publication language
German (de)
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