Development of the Business Processes Modelling Lab Tools
2019 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream 2019): Proceedings
Jūlija Strebko,
Signe Remese,
Andrejs Romānovs
The paper describes the process of the development of methodological support for practical labs in automated modelling study course. The technologies of business process modelling were analyzed, then the comparative analysis of these technologies was made to select the best that suits the current requirements of RTU study course “Management information systems automated modelling tools”. The goal of this paper is to develop the methodological lab support for modelling automation, based on developed knowledge.
business process modelling, modelling notations, modelling tools, BPMN, IDEF0, IBM Blueworks Live, ERWIN
Strebko, J., Remese, S., Romānovs, A. Development of the Business Processes Modelling Lab Tools. In: 2019 Open Conference of Electrical, Electronic and Information Sciences (eStream 2019): Proceedings, Lithuania, Vilnius, 25-25 April, 2019. Piscataway: IEEE, 2019, pp.55-60. ISBN 978-1-7281-2500-8. e-ISBN 978-1-7281-2499-5. Available from: doi:10.1109/eStream.2019.8732148
Publication language
English (en)