Neibolts, N., Gaidukovs, S., Platnieks, O., Zelča, Z., Kumar Thakur, V. Biodegradable Poly(Butylene Succinate) - Nanofibrillated Cellulose and Graphene Nanoplatelet Composite Blends and Nanofibers. In: CNPComp_2019: 8th International Conference on Carbon NanoParticle based Composites: Abstracts, Anguilla, London, 17-19 July, 2019. London: Queen Mary University of London, 2019, pp.1-1.
Publication language English (en)
Publication Type Conference paper
Funding for basic activity EU Structural Funds
Field of research 2. Engineering and technology
Sub-field of research 2.10 Nano-technology
Research platform Materials, Processes, and Technologies
ID: 29454
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