Avoided Costs-Based Comparison of Consumer-Scale Energy Storage Control Approaches
European Energy Market 2019  2019
Ļubova Petričenko, Romāns Petričenko, Antans Sauļus Sauhats, Kārlis Baltputnis

The aim of the paper is to obtain new knowledge for the improvement of planning and control of manufacturing processes in energy-intensive enterprises, considering variations in electricity market price and energy storage possibilities. Particularly, optimisation of the planning and control of consumer-scale battery energy storage system connected behind the meter is considered. To solve the optimisation problem, price forecasting procedures, models of the objects under study, control, optimisation, and verification algorithms were chosen. The objective function of the optimisation problem is formulated in the form of avoided costs, defined as the difference between the costs of consumed electricity with and without an energy storage system. Deterministic and stochastic approaches were used and compared.

energy storage, investment planning, operational planning, optimisation

Petričenko, Ļ., Petričenko, R., Sauhats, A., Baltputnis, K. Avoided Costs-Based Comparison of Consumer-Scale Energy Storage Control Approaches. In: European Energy Market 2019 , Slovenia, Ljubljana, 18-20 September, 2019. Ljubljana: EEM2019, 2019, pp.1-5.

Publication language
English (en)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196