World Health Organization, as well as number of scientists and doctors indicate in their works that during last few decades, the noise has a significant impact on the environment, especially noise from quickly developing transportation systems [1, 2]. Environment noise pollution is being aligned in the same row with the air, water and soil pollution. In EU member states, the EC recommended interim method is being used (RMR, Reken - en Meetvoorschrift Railverkeerslawaai) [5]. It is obvious that RMR modelling method has certain applicability limitations, especially taking into account it’s empirical character. If differences of local railway system are not taken into account correctly, the modelled noise levels can be significantly underpredicted. The monograph's objective is to qualitatively evaluate the applicability of RMR method, to adopt it to Latvian Railway conditions [3, 4], to elaborate guidelines for simplified adaptation and to develop recommendations for RMR method improvement.