Production of Foamed Concrete in a Planetary Ball Mill
Materials Science and Applied Chemistry III: Selected Peer-Reviewed Papers from 60th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University (RTU) Section of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (MSAC 2019). Key Engineering Materials. Vol.850
Eva Namsone,
Genādijs Šahmenko,
Elvija Namsone,
Aleksandrs Korjakins
Nowadays, the type of foamed concrete performs a group of cemented composite materials that can compete with conventionally used autoclaved aerated concrete. Improving microstructure of the foamed concrete by inventive mixing technology allows to homogenizate the mix of foamed concrete. This original research is applied to inspection on mixing technology of foamed concrete by using a planetary ball mill. The objective of this paper is to clarify the correlation between physical-mechanical properties and intensive mixing time.
Foamed concrete, activating technology, mechanization
Namsone, E., Šahmenko, G., Namsone, E., Korjakins, A. Production of Foamed Concrete in a Planetary Ball Mill. Key Engineering Materials, 2020, Vol. 850, pp.311-315. ISSN 1013-9826. e-ISSN 1662-9795. Available from: doi:10.4028/
Publication language
English (en)