Experimental Investigation on Foamed Concrete Produced Using a Planetary Ball Mill
Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques: Selected Papers of the 13th International Conference
Eva Namsone,
Genādijs Šahmenko,
Elvija Namsone,
Endija Namsone-Sīle,
Aleksandrs Korjakins,
Diāna Bajāre
The experimental study is devoted to investigation on foamed concrete produced applying innovative intensive
mixing technology by using a planetary ball mill. Modern type of foamed concrete represents cementitious composite
material group which may be competitive with traditionally used autoclaved aerated concrete. Innovative mixing
method makes possible stabilizing of foamed concrete mixture and improving the microstructure of material. The
aim of this study is to investigate physical and mechanical properties of non-autoclaved concrete such as density and
compressive strength, and capillary water absorption depending on intensive mixing time. In this research microstructure,
such as pore size diameters, depending on mixing time is also analysed.
foamed concrete, mixing technology, activation
Namsone, E., Šahmenko, G., Namsone, E., Namsone, E., Korjakins, A., Bajāre, D. Experimental Investigation on Foamed Concrete Produced Using a Planetary Ball Mill. In: Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques: Selected Papers of the 13th International Conference, Lithuania, Vilnius, 16-17 May, 2019. Vilnius: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2019, pp.116-124. e-ISBN 978-609-476-197-3. e-ISSN 2029-9915. Available from: doi:10.3846/mbmst.2019.152
Publication language
English (en)