Imaging of LED-Excited Autofluorescence Photobleaching Rates for Skin Lesion Diagnostics
Proceedings of SPIE 2019
Aleksey Lihachev, Emilija Vija Plorina, Marta Lange, Ilze Lihacova, Alexander Derjabo, Dmitrijs Bļizņuks

The aim of this study is to develop a novel non-invasive approach for skin cancer (melanoma, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas) diagnostics by mapping the AF intensity decrease (photo-bleaching) rates under continuous 405 nm LED excitation. For parametric mapping of skin AF intensity decrease rates a sequence of filtered AF imaging under 405 nm LED excitation for 20 seconds at a power density of ∼7 mW/cm2 with a frame rate 0.5 fps was recorded and analyzed by cloud-based prototype device. Several clinical cases and potential future applications of the proposed autofluorescence photobleaching rate imaging technique are discussed.

Autofluorescence, Photobleaching, Skin diagnostics

Lihachev, A., Plorina, E., Lange, M., Lihacova, I., Derjabo, A., Bļizņuks, D. Imaging of LED-Excited Autofluorescence Photobleaching Rates for Skin Lesion Diagnostics. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Germany, Minhene, 23-25 June, 2019. -: SPIE, 2019, pp.1-3. ISSN 1605-7422. e-ISSN 2410-9045. Available from: doi:10.1117/12.2526260

Publication language
English (en)
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