Research on Energy Efficiency of Pneumatic Cylinder for Pneumatic Vehicle Motor
Agronomy Research 2020
Māris Gailis, Jānis Rudzītis, Juris Kreicbergs, martin Madissoo

Compressed gas is relatively expensive source of energy. When compressed gas is used for propelling of pneumatically driven vehicle, efficient gas utilization is favoured. Design and control strategy of pneumatic cylinder, with the emphasis on effective energy conversion is being discussed in this paper. Mathematical model, results of computer simulation and experimental work are provided and discussed. Experimental research is performed on the competition vehicle, equipped with pneumatically driven piston motor and instrumented. Relative significance of various geometric and control parameters of pneumatic cylinder on efficiency of energy conversion is presented.

Compressed air vehicle, Efficacy, Gas consumption, Gas expansion, Pneumobile

Gailis, M., Rudzītis, J., Kreicbergs, J., Madissoo, M. Research on Energy Efficiency of Pneumatic Cylinder for Pneumatic Vehicle Motor. Agronomy Research, 2020, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.823-841. ISSN 1406-894X. Available from: doi:10.15159/AR.20.048

Publication language
English (en)
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