Investigation of the Destruction of Heat-Resistant Fireclay Concrete during Its Sharp Heating and Cooling
Новые огнеупоры 2020
Valentin Antanovic, Pavilos Zdanavicus, Rimvydas Stonys, E Spudulis, Aleksandrs Korjakins, Genādijs Šahmenko, Aleksejs Tatarinovs

Sharp changes in temperature lead to thermal stresses in the refractory material, and as a consequence, to the formation of micro and macro cracks, as well as to a decrease in its mechanical characteristics. In this work, the destruction of heat-resistant fireclay concrete of various classes: low-cement and medium-cement with the addition of quartz sand (added to the composition to increase the alkali resistance of concrete) and with the addition of metal fiber (to reduce cracking) have been investigated after exposure to thermal shocks. Two methods were used to determine the heat resistance of concrete, in which the destruction of the material was assessed using ultrasound: the “water-cooled slab” method and the one-sided heating-cooling method. Studies carried out using the one-sided heating-cooling method revealed the formation of macrocracks in the samples of low-cement concrete. This method also turned out to be more sensitive in assessing the destruction of concrete.

heat-resistant concrete, thermal resistance, ultrasonic examinations

Antanovic, V., Zdanavicus, P., Stonys, R., Spudulis, E., Korjakins, A., Šahmenko, G., Tatarinovs, A. Investigation of the Destruction of Heat-Resistant Fireclay Concrete during Its Sharp Heating and Cooling. Новые огнеупоры, 2020, No. 6, pp.41-46. ISSN 1683-4518. Available from: doi:10.17073/1683-4518-2020-6-41-46

Publication language
Russian (ru)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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