The Influence of Forest Vegetation on the Radio Communication Conditions of the Wireless Modules ZigBee
Вісник Університету «Україна». Серія "Інформатика, обчислювальна техніка та кібернетика" 2019
Valentīns Popovs

This paper, ased on the results of experimental studies of the influence of forest vegetation on the transmission of digital signals in a radio channel for ZigBee technology, testifies that there is a zone (with a radius of about 50 m), within which the influence of forest on the loss of packet information does not occur, is suggested: 1) an empirical calculation model for the linear attenuation coefficient, at this its numerical value for the frequency 2.4 GHz is estimated as to amF = 0.5215 dB/m, which is practically close to the value amF = 0.5 dB/m. as per Recommendations ITU-R P.833.6., 2) empirical expression determining the dependence of the working attenuation of a radio signal in forest vegetation as the function of the operating frequency and the distance between the transmitting and receiving stations.


Popovs, V. The Influence of Forest Vegetation on the Radio Communication Conditions of the Wireless Modules ZigBee. Вісник Університету «Україна». Серія "Інформатика, обчислювальна техніка та кібернетика", 2019, No. 2, pp.21-28. Available from: doi:10.36994/2707-4110-2019-2-23-02

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English (en)
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