Silica and Amber Nano and Micro Size Particles Influence on Modelorganisms / Systems
77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Innovative and Applied Research in Biology. Proceedings. Vol.1 2019
Inga Ļašenko, Dace Grauda, Dalius Butkauskas, Regina Vysniauskiene, Vida Ranceliene, Līga Jankevica, Nikole Krasņevska, Andra Miķelsone, Kārlis Žagata, Elīna Ažēna, Tūrs Selga, Valters Gobiņš, Ilze Dubova, Antons Kolodinskis

The publication concept is related to comprehensive research based on development of innovative biotextile with the potential ability to mitigate the negative impact of adverse external environment factors on living organisms (Chen et. AI., 2003, Agarwal et. al, 2007, Lyashenko, 2014, Lyashenko, 2014, Grauda et. al., 2015).

bio textiles, succinite, Lemna minor, Drosophila melanogaster, microscopic fungi

Ļašenko, I., Grauda, D., Butkauskas, D., Vysniauskiene, R., Ranceliene, V., Jankevica, L., Krasņevska, N., Miķelsone, A., Žagata, K., Ažēna, E., Selga, T., Gobiņš, V., Dubova, I., Kolodinskis, A. Silica and Amber Nano and Micro Size Particles Influence on Modelorganisms / Systems. In: 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Innovative and Applied Research in Biology. Proceedings. Vol.1, Latvia, Riga, 17 Jan-22 Mar., 2019. Riga: University of Latvia, 2019, pp.13-17.

Publication language
English (en)
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