Novel Synthetic Methodologies based on Azidopurine-Derived Meisenheimer Type Complexe
RTU 61. studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konferences tēzes 2020
Jānis Miķelis Zaķis

Synthesis of 6-azido-2-sulfonylpurine derivatives were developed by 6-sulfonylpurine derivative rearrangement via sulfonyl group dance. NMR and FTIR analysis indicate a presence of Maisenhaimer complex. A ring opening reaction can be performed using 6-azido-2-tiopurine derivatives and mercaptanes, presumably trough Meisenheimer transition state.

Purine, azide, tetrazole, SNAr, one pot, ring opening

Zaķis, J. Novel Synthetic Methodologies based on Azidopurine-Derived Meisenheimer Type Complexe. In: RTU 61. studentu zinātniskās un tehniskās konferences tēzes, Latvia, Rīga, 22-22 May, 2020. Rīga: 2020, pp.46-46.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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