Substrate Surface Functionalized With Morphology and UV Radiation for S.Cerevisiae Cell Attachment
22nd International Conference-School "Advanced Materials and Technologies": Book of Abstracts
Jurijs Dehtjars,
Galina Hrustalova,
Aleksandrs Rapoports,
Linda Rozenfelde,
Krista Rozenberga,
Lidija Saulite,
Hermanis Sorokins,
Sabīne Teifurova
Electrostatic fields induced by a substrate's surface have a great influence on cell attachment. These fields can be induced by employing different approaches which include surface coating, surface irradiation and provision of a surface with morphology. While the effect of coatings on cell attachment is being actively studied, the contribution of irradiation and morphology is a less active field of research and their contributions to cell attachment remain unclear. The report aims to control the electrical field of a dielectric substrate by modifying its surface morphology and irradiating its surface with UV radiation in order to see how these changes may affect the attachment of S. cerevisiae cells.
surface charge, yeast cells, UV radiation, morphology, S.cerevisiae
Dehtjars, J., Hrustalova, G., Rapoports, A., Rozenfelde, L., Rozenberga, K., Saulite, L., Sorokins, H., Teifurova, S. Substrate Surface Functionalized With Morphology and UV Radiation for S.Cerevisiae Cell Attachment. In: 22nd International Conference-School "Advanced Materials and Technologies": Book of Abstracts, Lithuania, Palanga, 24-28 August, 2020. Kaunas: 2020, pp.66-66. ISSN 1822-7759.
Publication language
English (en)