Increased Efficiency of Wireless Energy Transfer to Vehicle System
Rodions Saltanovs
29.12.2020. 11:00,
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Elektrotehnikas un vides inženierzinātņu fakultātē, Āzenes ielā 12 k-1, 212. auditorijā.
Iļja Galkins
Oleksandr Husev,
Pēteris Apse-Apsītis,
Aigars Laizāns
The paper presents the system of wireless power transmission to electric transport. The paper introduces a number of solutions enabling to stabilize the parameters of the power transmission system as well as the construction and testing results of the prototypes of the system out of 12 segments.
Wireless charging; Dynamic charging; Multi-capacitor circuit; Tuned circuit
Saltanovs, Rodions. Increased Efficiency of Wireless Energy Transfer to Vehicle System. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2020. 165 p.
Publication language
Latvian (lv)