Cement composite long-term property assessment usually is limited to the compression strain state due to the difficulty of performing long-term tests in tension and 3-point bending. This paper shows the difference of long-term properties in compression, tension, and 3-point bending for plain ordinary Portland mortar (OPC). The obtained results were compared to reinforced specimens results to determine whether the PVA fibers improve the long-term properties of OPC mortar in various stress-strain conditions. Cylinders, compact tension specimens (CT), and beams - plates were prepared to evaluate these different stress states' influence on material properties and the role of fiber reinforcement. Additionally to conventional surface-attached strain gauges, 2D-DIC was employed to observe the creep strain of specimens in tension. It was determined that the usage of 1% of PVA fibers increases creep strains in compression on average by 15% and reduced by 7% in tension. It reduces shrinkage strain by 18% in compression and 8% in tension. The long-term deflection for the PVA fiber-reinforced specimens are, on average by 55% higher than for plain OPC mortar specimens in 3-point bending.