Measuring the Impact of Demand Response Services on Electricity Prices in Latvian Electricity Market
2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2020): Conference Proceedings
Līga Kurevska,
Antans Sauļus Sauhats,
Gatis Junghāns,
V. Lavrinovičs
Improved end-user engagement is considered to be a key factor in decarbonization efforts towards climate neutral energy systems. While local implementations of implicit and explicit demand response solutions have been available to end consumers, energy consumption optimization is still in the stage of early adopters and no aggregator services have emerged. The new regulation allowing demand response to enter Day-ahead market is expected to have an impact on the electricity prices. The objective of this paper is to perform factor analysis on Latvian wholesale electricity market prices to determine the effect of the introduction of demand response in day ahead market might have on other market participants.
demand response, electricity price, electricity markets
Kurevska, L., Sauhats, A., Junghāns, G., Lavrinovičs, V. Measuring the Impact of Demand Response Services on Electricity Prices in Latvian Electricity Market. In: 2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2020): Conference Proceedings, Latvia, Riga, 5-6 November, 2020. Piscataway: IEEE, 2020, pp.293-296. ISBN 978-1-7281-9511-7. e-ISBN 978-1-7281-9510-0. Available from: doi:10.1109/RTUCON51174.2020.9316485
Publication language
English (en)