Development of High-Strength Foamed Concrete Compositions
Solid State Phenomena. Vol.320: Materials Engineering and Modern Manufacturing 2020: 28th International Baltic Conference 2021
Eva Namsone, Genādijs Šahmenko, Elvija Namsone, Aleksandrs Korjakins

Unlike traditional materials, the development of high-performance foamed concrete with a compressive strength of up to 20 MPa and a density of up to 1400 kg/m3 allows the use of foamedconcrete as a constructive material with additional functions including good thermal insulation properties, sound insulation and capillary porosity needed to ensure hydrothermal conditions. Unlike autoclaved aerated concrete, foamed concrete can also be used in monolithic construction. The studies of high strength foamed concrete were performed by using mostly local mineral components and mixing technology by using planetary activator which provides a fundamentally new mixing mode that combines intensive mixing, foaming and activation of components. To realize the experimental part of the research, turbulence type foamed concrete mixer SPBU-LUKSwas used.

foamed concrete; planetary activator; turbulence mixer; cavitation

Namsone, E., Šahmenko, G., Namsone, E., Korjakins, A. Development of High-Strength Foamed Concrete Compositions. Solid State Phenomena, 2021, Vol. 320, pp.186-190. ISSN 1012-0394. Available from: doi:10.4028/

Publication language
English (en)
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