The Influence of the Tooth Zone Parameters on the Characteristics of Inductor Alternators
2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2020): Proceedings
Alberts Serebrjakovs,
Oleg Belavin,
Deniss Brodņevs
The purpose of this manuscript is to present in visual form the influence of the parameters and profiles of the rotor teeth on the magnitude and shape of the armature EMF of the inductor alternator. The results are given in conditional units, which allows to undertake a comparative analysis without considering the implementation of a particular alternator. The presented results greatly simplify the process of selecting the parameters of the tooth zone and the profiles of the teeth of the rotor in the design process of the inductor alternator in order to achieve the objectives.
Inductor alternator; tooth zone; tooth profiles; harmonics; sinusoidality; EMF magnitude; efficiency
Serebrjakovs, A., Belavin, O., Brodņevs, D. The Influence of the Tooth Zone Parameters on the Characteristics of Inductor Alternators. In: 2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON 2020): Proceedings, Latvia, Riga, 5-7 November, 2020. Piscataway: IEEE, 2020, Article number 9316557. ISBN 978-1-7281-9511-7. e-ISBN 978-1-7281-9510-0. Available from: doi:10.1109/RTUCON51174.2020.9316557
Publication language
English (en)