Aspects of Distance Learning for the Study Course Computer Graphics in Mechanical Engineering and Work Efficiency Increasing
Zinātniski metodiskā konference "Izaicinājumi inženierzinātņu augstākajā izglītībā": tēžu krājums
Guntis Spriņģis,
Ivans Griņevičs
Students of the mechatronics specialty study the study course "Computer Graphics in Mechanical Engineering". Its aim is to acquire practical skills in the development and design of drawings, learning LV and EU standards in technical communication, as well as to learn to use AutoCAD program. To acquire the course remotely, there is a need to use additional tools and methods to better provide information and provide feedback. The lecture material is presented both in the form of a presentation and the enabling of the teacher's computer screen, demonstrating the operation and capabilities of the relevant AutoCAD program commands, explaining its functional significance, as well as emphasizing the specifics of use in some cases.
AutoCAD, rasēšana, standarti, darba efektivitāte
Spriņģis, G., Griņevičs, I. Aspects of Distance Learning for the Study Course Computer Graphics in Mechanical Engineering and Work Efficiency Increasing. In: Zinātniski metodiskā konference "Izaicinājumi inženierzinātņu augstākajā izglītībā": tēžu krājums, Latvia, Rīga, 15-15 April, 2021. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2021, pp.39-40. ISBN 978-9934-22-672-4.
Publication language
Latvian (lv)