We Save Electricity! What to Leave in the Socket, what - to Pull out?
I. Strazdiņa, Laila Zemīte

In order to save electricity, people tend to unplug devices from outlets, but it is not always worth doing, Laila Zemīte, Vice-Dean and Associate Professor of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Riga Technical University (RTU), explained to the Latvian Television (LTV) program "Revidents". For example, the phone charger should not be left in the socket, while routers or decoders will only consume more electricity after doing so.

Elektrības taupīšana

Strazdiņa, I., Zemīte, L. We Save Electricity! What to Leave in the Socket, what - to Pull out? [online]. Rīga 2021. Available from: https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/dzive--stils/ikdienai/taupam-elektribu-ko-atstat-rozete-ko--raut-ara.a426123/.

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Latvian (lv)
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