The aim of the doctoral thesis “Open Space Transformations in Large-Scale Housing Estates of Riga in the Post-Socialist Period” is to evaluate the impact of open space transformations in the Post-socialist period in large-scale housing estates on the residential environment quality in Riga’s large-scale housing estates. The thesis comprises Introduction, three chapters, Conclusion, 262 reference sources and appendices. Open space in large-scale housing estates forms an important part of the residential environment quality, by providing both necessary, optional and social services, and playing an important role in recreation and recovery from the everyday stress. Chapter 1 presents an overview on open space spatial configuration principles, and the further sub-sections display variety of inhabitants’ needs in relation to the residential open space, and the role of green areas in large-scale housing estates. Chapter 2 presents the summary and analysis of transformation types in the regional context and the summary of residential environment quality notions. Author proposes an approach to evaluate impact of transformations on residential environment quality in large-scale housing estates. First, existing residential environment quality evaluation tools are summarised and analysed, then the adapted checklist is developed. Based on theoretical background common human needs in relation to the open space, as well as aspired and required open space qualities are defined. Additionally, stressors are connected to open space qualities, which need to be beware of and avoided. The developed approach includes four components: adapted open space quality evaluation tool, evaluation techniques, concept of proximity and residential satisfaction evaluation. Chapter 3 presents situation in Riga: open space character, transformations, and their impact on the open space quality in 13 large-scale housing estates. Additionally, conducted survey results show residents’ attitude in four large-scale housing estates in Riga towards possible future transformations and those, which have already happened. Residential Environment Quality Evaluation Approach can be used for both, evaluation of the impact from transformations, which have already happened and while analysing possible consequences of future transformations and searching for alternative scenarios. Categories which describe different human needs and stressors are linked to the aspired results and results, which need to be beware of. Improvements in the open space of large-scale housing estates need to be planned as a complex process, analysing situation in the estate as a whole. Research results are reflected in 16 articles: seven have been published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, one currently undergoes the review process in an international peer-reviewed scientific journal; seven publications are published in the full text international conference proceedings, and one publication in the local journal. The results have been presented at international scientific conferences and at international conferences for doctoral research.