Linking Research, Education, and Professional Skills: Vertically Integrated Projects at 4 Institutions
Edward J. Coyle,
Stephen Marshall,
Brigita Dejus,
Maria Engberg,
Ian Smith
Since 2017, EUA thematic peer groups have called on institutions and networks to link research and teaching
(2017), to promote active learning (2018), and to incorporate these and professional skills development into
the curriculum (2019 and 2020). Four EUA institutions (University of Strathclyde; Malmö University; Riga Technical University; University of St Andrews) have answered these calls, achieving instructional, curricular,
and institutional change through Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) Programs. These institutions have also come together as learning organizations to share and leverage lessons learned.
Vertically Integrated Project
J. Coyle, E., Marshall, S., Daļecka, B., Engberg, M., Smith, I. Linking Research, Education, and Professional Skills: Vertically Integrated Projects at 4 Institutions. 2021 European Learning & Teaching Forum: 2021 European Learning & Teaching Forum, 2021. 4 p.
Publication language
English (en)