The content of the material is aimed at specialists in electromechanics and for its proper comprehension certain knowledge is required in special courses (course unit): motor vehicle construction and layout, car electrical, electric motor drive, discrete automation units, automatic control systems. With regard to mechatronic systems of particular purpose, from the control point of view, the ways of implementing control actions are paid the special attention in the book. The methodology of presenting the material expects a sequence of information introduction: the purpose and classification of systems and their component parts; element configuration; the system structure and their functioning; the examples of current industrial prototype systems; conceptual technical solutions involving modern technologies. For better mastering the material, the book contains schematic illustrations and structural diagrams of real life machines. The technical definitions of functional elements and processes, in the text, are given in brackets with the names that are understandable for both electrical specialists and mechanical engineers. The text of the manual is provided with by links to original and additional sources of information. After each part, a list of questions for self-control is given. Also, at the end of the book, there is a list of acronyms and abbreviations.