Modern systems are quite diverse nowadays. They can vary from unique systems of systems [1], which operate with multiple data and information flows, to similar content mobile applications that may differ, slightly, in functions they implement but, greatly, in their qualitative characteristics. Evaluation of the current state of complex systems, as well as their potential modifications may touch different aspects such as prediction of systems behavior under certain conditions, analysis of the current state of the systems’ components as well as providing stability to their qualitative characteristics. The functionality of a growing number of mobile applications on the market requires monitoring in cases where there is development of a new application or evolution of an existing product. Advanced means such as quality assurance techniques, content analysis and rating scales for mobile applications [2], blockchains [3], etc. can be used to make the processes of evaluation, monitoring, design and modification more organized and transparent. The articles, which have been recommended by reviewers for this issue of CSIMQ, present contributions which evaluate the application of advanced means for evaluation, monitoring, design, and modification of complex systems and mobile applications with similar content. The focus of the articles presented is on the adaptation of the above-described means for new contexts and challenges.