Advancement of the Entrepreneurial Mindset as a Driving Force for the Creation of a Successful Born Global Strategy
Irēna Vaivode

14.01.2022. 12:00, Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes promocijas padomes atklātajā sēdē tiešsaistē platformāZoom

Deniss Ščeulovs

Nataļja Lāce, Jeļena Titko, Renata Korsakiene

The Doctoral Thesis is devoted to the field of entrepreneurial mindset and its interaction with the process of the creation of a successful born global strategy. Entrepreneurial mindset is the research object of the Doctoral Thesis, it refers to a specific state of mind, which orientates a human towards entrepreneurial activities and outcomes. Successful born global strategy is considered as the outcome of the dynamic process of entrepreneurial mindset. The present Doctoral Thesis covers research on the role of the individual level characteristics of entrepreneurial mindset as basis for running born global companies.

“Born global” uzņēmums, “born global” uzņēmuma definīcija, kauzācijas un izpildes teorijas, konkurētspējīga stratēģija, uzņēmējdomāšana, ienākšanas tirgū stratēģija, metodika, riska uztvere, pašefektivitāte, sistēmiskā pieeja startēģijas izveidei.

Vaivode, Irēna. Advancement of the Entrepreneurial Mindset as a Driving Force for the Creation of a Successful Born Global Strategy. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2022. 150 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
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