This report is a minor update to the extensive analysis of D4.1. It is produced a year after the previous deliverable and takes into account the changes since then, particularly the enaction of Cabinet Regulation on “Aggregator Rules”. The deliverable has two chapters. The first chapter outlines the main inadequacies within the current national legislation regarding DR and IAs in Latvia, specifically focusing on the “Aggregator Rules”, Electricity Market Law and the Network Code. It gives recommendations on which points need to be modified to fully enable IAs in Latvia, since the existing regulation only foresees integrated aggregators. Main identified issues are related to term definitions, requirement for aggregators to seek BRP permission to include an object in its portfolio, provision that the aggregator must have the same BRP as its customer premises, and lack of clarity regarding the compensation issue. The second chapter provides a brief summary on the development of IA regulation in other countries within the region, specifically, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. It is found that Finland has the most developed framework and is already piloting a compensation scheme set at the day-ahead price. Estonian regulator has created a working group which has produced an initial position paper, advising to establish a compensation process with a price temporarily set based on the day-ahead price, with the aim of establishing a more sophisticated approach in the future, taking into account also the socioeconomic benefits brough by IAs activities. Finally, Lithuanian policymakers have defined IAs in the law and allowed their activities. However, at the time of preparing the report, the compensation issue had not been addressed at all in Lithuanian energy regulation.