Analysis of Experimental Railway Point Electric Heating System
2020 IEEE 8th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE 2020): Proceedings
Ruslans Muhitovs,
Mareks Mezītis,
Andrejs Spunītis,
Vladimirs Iriškovs
The article gives an overview on different point electric heating systems. Based on previous researches some new solutions are proposed to fulfil shortages of current solutions. Existing methods of point electric heating control are reviewed and compared; their disadvantages are listed. As a proposed solution to the described problem, an experimental point electric heating control system is proposed and described. Experiment of controlling point electric heating system using pulse-width modulation method is set. Conclusions show that the approach of introducing pulse-width modulation allows to control point electric heating in more efficient way - using program code, control system will adjust heating adjust time intervals when the heating is turned on and off.
experimental control system | point electric heating | point heating | railway
Muhitovs, R., Mezītis, M., Spunītis, A., Iriškovs, V. Analysis of Experimental Railway Point Electric Heating System. In: 2020 IEEE 8th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE 2020): Proceedings, Lithuania, Vilnius, 22-24 April, 2021. Piscataway: IEEE, 2021, pp.56-60. ISBN 978-1-6654-3087-6. e-ISBN 978-1-6654-2538-4. e-ISSN 2689-7342. Available from: doi:10.1109/AIEEE51419.2021.9435805
Publication language
English (en)