Software Testing Strategy Utilizing Lean Canvas Model
Padmaraj Nidagundi

21.03.2022. 14:30, tiešsaistē,

Marina Uhanova

Jānis Grabis, Igors Lemberskis, Dedžans Džokič

Software testing is a fundamental issue in software engineering and software quality assurance in general. Many software testing strategies are available and are being used today in software testing processes. The testing strategy plays a vital role in the software testing process. Observation of testing strategy creation is a complex task, and in most cases, test documents are drawn in the text format. This is an essential problem, in software testing in particular. This makes the process of test strategy creation and updating in the agile development complicated, thus the resulting testing process takes additional time due to the need to process lengthy test documentation or to coordinate activities of a distributed remote team working on the same project. Without a robust test strategy, software development projects may face overrun budgets, the team may produce bad quality software product, or a project may fail due to software quality issues. In case of agile development, software release cycles are prompt. In order to fill the gap between software testing, test strategy creation, and simplification of the testing process itself, there is a need for visualised representation of the testing strategy. The main goal of this Doctoral Thesis titled "Software Testing Strategy Utilizing Lean Canvas Model" is develop a visualised test strategy. In order to accomplish this goal, the visualised test strategy has been created using the lean canvas. The author analysed the existing theoretical approaches, their drawbacks, and many other essential issues in software testing. At the next stage, the author used the principles of user experience design and user interface design to identify the appropriate design possibilities for test strategy creation. Using the lean canvas design, the author approached the problem "visualised testing strategy creation" adopting the novel approach TABB (Test activities building block) for visualised strategy created at this stage. In this process, Ontology and Use Cases were created and a practical experiment was conducted to analyse the results. In the course of research, the author discovered that the visualised strategy improves the testing process, work visibility, reduces lengthy documentation, facilitates test team resource handling, and improves remote team communication in both functional and non-functional testing. The supporting web portal was created to get feedback from individuals.

Lean Canvas Model

Nidagundi, Padmaraj. Software Testing Strategy Utilizing Lean Canvas Model. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2022. 182 p.

Publication language
English (en)
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