Reaching the Superscattering Regime with BIC Physics
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol.2172: 4th International Smart NanoMaterials Conference 2021: Advances, Innovation and Applications (SNAIA 2021)
A. Canos Valero,
Hadi K. Shamkhi,
Anton S. Kupriianov,
Vladimir R. Tuz,
Vjačeslavs Bobrovs,
Yuri S. Kivshar,
Aleksandr Shalin
We uncover a novel mechanism of superscattering from subwavelength resonators linked to the physics of bound states in the continuum (BICs). Enhanced scattering occurs due to constructive interference within the Friedrich-Wintgen mechanism of interfering resonances. Through this process, the scattering cross section of a single resonance can exceed the currently established limit. We develop a general non-Hermitian model to describe interfering resonances of quasi-normal modes, and study subwavelength dielectric nonspherical resonators exhibiting avoided crossing resonances and quasi-BIC states. Our results reveal novel physics of non-Hermitian systems suggesting important applications for metadevices.
superscattering regime, dipole
Valero, A., Shamkhi, H., Kupriianov, A., Tuz, V., Bobrovs, V., Kivshar, Y., Shalin, A. Reaching the Superscattering Regime with BIC Physics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, Vol. 2172, Article number 012003. ISSN 1742-6588. e-ISSN 1742-6596. Available from: doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2172/1/012003
Publication language
English (en)