Renewable Transport Challenge: A Comprehensive Policy Assessment Model
Energy Proceedings. Vol.20: Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Post-COVID Recovery towards a Better Future. Part 3
Aiga Barisa,
Vladimirs Kirsanovs,
Alīna Safronova
With the growth of the transport sector and its emissions, the European Union (EU) has obliged member states to increase the share of renewable energy sources. To understand which policies need to be pursued to achieve the objectives set by the EU, a system dynamics model was developed and applied to the case study of Latvia. The model considers the potential of the production and use of renewable fuels, the impact of policies on the development of renewable energies, and factors influencing population choice of transport mode.
system dynamics, model, transport, policy, climate
Barisa, A., Kirsanovs, V., Safronova, A. Renewable Transport Challenge: A Comprehensive Policy Assessment Model. In: Energy Proceedings. Vol.20: Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Post-COVID Recovery towards a Better Future. Part 3, Thailand, Bangkok, 29 Nov-5 Dec., 2021. Sweden: Scanditale AB, 2021, pp.1-5. ISSN 2004-2965. Available from: doi:10.46855/energy-proceedings-9315
Publication language
English (en)