Properties of Magnesium Oxychloride and Magnesium Oxysulphate Cement Composites
Key Engineering Materials. Vol. 903: Materials Science and Applied Chemistry (MSAC 2020)
Elvija Namsone,
Genādijs Šahmenko,
Aleksandrs Korjakins
Increasing energy consumption is forcing the building sector to seek and use building materials and products that would be environmentally friendly. As one such material should be noted magnesium based cements, which production requires much lower calcination temperature than the traditional Portland cement. During the experimental research part of this work, two types of magnesia cement were produced (using magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate brine solutions) and physical, mechanical properties of obtained cement composites were determined.
Magnesium based cements; Magnesium binder material; Magnesium chloride cements; Magnesium sulphate cements
Namsone, E., Šahmenko, G., Korjakins, A. Properties of Magnesium Oxychloride and Magnesium Oxysulphate Cement Composites. Key Engineering Materials, 2021, Vol. 903, pp.208-213. ISSN 1013-9826. Available from: doi:10.4028/
Publication language
English (en)