Keywords Ķīmijas tehnoloģijas pamatprocesi, cauruļvadu sistēmas, cietu un birstošu materiālu tehnoloģiskie procesi, sīkdispersu vielu aglomerācija, cietu materiālu smalcināšanas procesi
Ozoliņš, J. Processes and Equipment of Chemical Engineering. Investigation Chapters. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2022. 142 p. ISBN 978-9934-22-819-3.
Publication language Latvian (lv)
Publication Type Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs
Funding for basic activity State funding for education
Field of research 2. Engineering and technology
Sub-field of research 2.4 Chemical engineering
Research platform Materials, Processes, and Technologies
ID: 35427
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University. E-mail:; Phone: +371 28399196
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