The Analysis of Textile Industry Operation
Gaļina Kozaka, Genrihs Vinovskis, Guntis Strazds, Ilona Voitešonoka

The investments into the branches of textile industry, changes of export in its branches, the dynamics of production volume and the amount of employees are considered, the analysis of efficiency of labour and financial ratios is made.

tekstilrūpniecība, attīstība, ražošana, analīze, darba ražīgums

Kozaka, G., Vinovskis, G., Strazds, G., Voitešonoka, I. The Analysis of Textile Industry Operation. Material Science. Textile and Clothing Technology. Vol.1, 2006, pp.141-147. ISSN 1691-3132.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
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