The world's increasing consumption of electricity, improvement of energy efficiency and effective consumption of renewable and non-renewable resources are among the most topical modern challenges. Taking into account the European Union's 2030 climate target plan, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the further plan for climate neutrality, which directly affects the increase in railway cargo turnover, ensuring the energy efficiency of the railway infrastructure is of vital importance in the implementation of these plans. In the given doctoral thesis, the issues of energy efficiency and safety of the transport process are “transposed” through the point cleaning systems of clearing snow and ice. Point clearing process is highly dependent on various factors; temperature, precipitation intensity, wind strength and others. In addition, the aforementioned variables and their combinations are random in nature, which significantly complicates the construction of the system. The thesis considers several possible technologies for solving the aforementioned problem. However, taking into account the specifics of the input parameters and the imposed operating conditions, the doctoral thesis is devoted to the integration of the point electric heating control system with fuzzy logic, which makes it possible to logically and definedly process non-strict and variable input parameters (wind, precipitation, etc.), and the system can be integrated into a semi-automatic or in an automatic control system compatible with modern programmable logic controllers. The introduction chapter provides an overview of the state of the whole world, an analysis of literature sources, justification for the need for improvements, formulated goals and tasks. The advantages and main disadvantages of the point heating systems used elsewhere in the world have been discussed. The first chapter describes the railway switch as an object of regulation, its structure and the functional scheme of implementation, the factors affecting the heating capacity are calculated with the regression expression. In the second chapter, the possibilities of effective regulation of the heating of exchanges are discussed and their analysis is provided. In the third chapter, an analysis of the applicability of multi-sensors, including phasilogic theory, is performed for the specific task, the rationalization of the system structure is justified, and its transfer into the scheme of the heating control system with the aim of improving energy efficiency. A rational algorithm for the control of switch heating is being developed. In the fourth chapter, a prototype device for the control of point heating is developed on the basis of the programmable logic controller, in which multi-sensor control and fuzzy logic integration are implemented. The fifth chapter describes the experiment performed on a real railway turnout with two heating elements. The results achieved in the course of the doctoral work were reported at the management meetings of VAS “Latvijas Dzelzceļš”, which were noted with a positive conclusion. Also, the results of the work were reported at 7 international scientific conferences. The results of the work were published in 1 scientific article in a journal and 9 conference proceedings indexed in the SCOPUS database. The doctoral thesis is written in Latvian, contains an introduction, 5 chapters, conclusions, a list of literature sources, 56 figures, 15 tables, 2 appendices, a total of 102 pages, including appendices. There are 77 titles in the list of literature sources.