Binding of Yeast Cells to Diamond Nanoparticles Irradiated with UV Radiation
24th International Conference-School “Advanced Materials and Technologies”: Abstracts
Dagnis Ābols,
Lada Bumbure,
Jurijs Dehtjars
Binding of Yeast Cells to Diamond Nanoparticles Irradiated with UV Radiation.
binding; yeast; cells; diamond; nanoparticles; irradiated; uv; radiation
Ābols, D., Bumbure, L., Dehtjars, J. Binding of Yeast Cells to Diamond Nanoparticles Irradiated with UV Radiation. In: 24th International Conference-School “Advanced Materials and Technologies”: Abstracts, Lithuania, Palanga, 22-26 August, 2022. Palanga: 2022, pp.49-49.
Publication language
English (en)