Multi-Level Assessment of the Contribution of End Users to the Process of Transformation of the Energy System Towards Decarbonisation
Jana Teremranova
20.04.2023. 11:00,
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Elektrotehnikas un vides inženierzinātņu fakultātē, Āzenes ielā 12 k-1, 306. auditorijā
Anna Mutule,
Diāna Žalostība
Laila Zemīte,
Irina Oleinikova,
Arturas Klementavicius
The Thesis offers a multi-level approach structure for assessing and modelling the contribution and potential of end users to the overall change in the energy system for implementation of national plans. To better understand the opportunities for decarbonisation, energy development in combination with smart city infrastructure and developed criteria was considered, which allows energy policymakers to deeply understand and solve the problems of energy supply of urban infrastructure in a clearer way, planning the impact of end consumers on national goals, and correctly stimulating consumer activity towards becoming prosumers.
energy end users; decarbonisation; energy behaviour modelling
Teremranova, Jana. Multi-Level Assessment of the Contribution of End Users to the Process of Transformation of the Energy System Towards Decarbonisation. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2023. 148 p.
Publication language
English (en)