Effect of Stainless Steel Surface Macrogeometry and Microgeometry on the Coefficient of Sliding Friction on Ice
Jānis Lungevičs
03.07.2023. 10:00,
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Mašīnzinību, transporta un aeronautikas fakultātē, Paula Valdena ielā 1, 106. telpā
Irīna Boiko,
Kārlis-Agris Gross,
Jānis Rudzītis
Aleksejs Kataševs,
Daniel Grochała,
Bojan Podgornik
The Doctoral Thesis is a thematically unified collection of articles. The Thesis research developed a new methodology for sliding body surface macrogeometry and microgeometry measurements for the coefficient of friction on ice determination. Information about the contact area of surfaces obtained using the new methodology makes it possible to significantly improve the data analysis of friction experiments.
3D tekstūra, kontaktlaukums, berzes koeficients
Lungevičs, Jānis. Effect of Stainless Steel Surface Macrogeometry and Microgeometry on the Coefficient of Sliding Friction on Ice. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2023. 129 p.
Publication language
English (en)